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How to solder chip resistors?

When it comes to how to solder resistors, the most common technique used by technicians is drag soldering. It is relatively simple to say, but it still requires certain skills to complete it according to the standard. The so-called practice makes perfect, and more practice will do it. The following AiXun welding equipment Just explain how to solder chip resistors, please see the process.



How to solder resistors?


A. Preparation


You need to prepare a soldering iron, rosin, welding wire, and chip resistors.

B. Start the welding process below


1. It is very important to find the position where the chip resistor needs to be soldered, and it will be very troublesome to make a mistake.


2. Use a soldering iron to melt the solder wire and smear it evenly at one end of the pad (there are generally two pads when soldering chip resistors on the circuit board);


3. Use tweezers to clamp the small chip resistor and place it on the pad for simple fixation;


4. Then use a soldering iron to melt the solder wire to fix the other end of the chip resistor, and the chip resistor will not fall off easily after reinforcement;


5. SMD resistance welding is completed.


How to solder the chip resistors of the pins?


The above is for chip resistors without pins. How to solder chip resistors with pins? In fact, the method is similar;


1. Find out where the chip resistor needs to be soldered on the circuit board;


2. Clamp the chip resistor with tweezers and fix it on the soldering plate, and press it lightly to fix it;


3. Melt the solder wire with a soldering iron, apply the melted liquid solder evenly on the pins of the chip resistor for simple fixing, and fix all the feet after completion;


4. If it is a chip resistor with a small number of pins, the other end should be reinforced, and the method is the same as the above.


We will talk about how to weld SMD resistors here. SMD resistor welding is simpler than IC components. When it comes to IC components, the method is basically the same. The continuous welding process needs to use rosin or flux. , here is the simple welding process and did not mention, about the welding of chip resistors, you can also read more about the official website of AiXun soldering Equipment.

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